понедељак, 21. јануар 2013.

It is not easy to be prefect

 Večiti problem...NEMAM ŠTA DA OBUČEM. Svi imamo taj problem s vremena na vreme,a neki i konstantno. Kako ga rešiti?...Na pamet vam sigurno pada ideja kupiti još nove garderobe.Ideja je odlična,ali finansijska situacija nezavidna.Podjite od toga da ako stalno kupujete novo,nećete imati mesta da sve to potrpate. Trebaće vam novi ormar , pa posle i cela soba za garderobu ,to će podrazumevati širenje stambenog prostora i dolazite do zaključka da će zbog vašeg nedostatka razmišljanja i vaši praunuci plaćati kretite za stan,ormare i krpice. Dakle tu ideju ćemo modifikovat.

Problem for all tmes ... I have nothing to wear. We all have that problem from time to time, and some of them constantly. How to solve it? ... In my mind you certainly fall idea to buy some extra clothes. The idea is great, but the financial situation is unenviable. Presume that if you're constantly buying new, you will not have room for all to bear with. You'll need a new wardrobe, and after the whole room, dressing room, it will involve expansion of living space and comes to the conclusion that because of your lack of thinking and your great-grandchildren to pay for an apartment Crete, and clothes closets. So we modify this idea.

Tad natupa Julia Strip. Otvaram orman i vidim,katastrofa...Stvari na sve strane. Počinje super čišćenje. U ovom slučaju super oruđe za rad su plastične kese. Iz regala lete sve stvari koje nisu obučene bar dve godine.Ta gomila biće klasifikovana na sledeći način:
1.garderoba koja je ofucana i ne nosi se hiljadu godina u nazad.
2.ono što nam je malo,
3.ono što vam se više ne dopada

Then Julia Strip come on stage. Open the closet and see a disaster ... things all over the place. It starts super clean. In this case a super tool for the plastic bags. From the closet fly all the things that are not trained at least two years. The crowd will be classified as follows:
1 Wardrobe that is damaged and does not bear a thousand years back.
2.On what our little
3.On what you do not like it

Prva gomila se može delimično reciklirati,na sledeći način.Pamučne majice se uvek mogu lepo pretvoriti u krpe za prašinu Isecite ih ,napravite odgovarajuće dimenzije i ne morate  davati novac za krpe.Taj novac ide u kasicu prasicu.Ostatak garderobe se pakuje u kesu broj jedan i konsultujte komšinicu  gde to da se odloži , jer starije komšike uvek imaju rešenje za to.
Druga gomila se obavezno poklanja mladjim sestrama, sestričinama, bratanicama... i ostalim šmizlama, Biće presrećne.
Treću gomilu upakujete i poklonite nekom centru za starije osobe,humanitarnoj organizaciji.. Njima će to dobro doći, jer nisu u mogućnosti da sebi priušte. Garderoba mora da se pošalje čista, opeglana.

The first bunch is partially recycled, as follows. Cotton shirts are always nice to be converted to dusters. Cut them, make the appropriate size and not have to give money for dusters.That money goes into savings box. .Other wardrobe is packed in a bag , and consult your neighbors where to be postponed because they always have a solution for that. The second crowd sure gives younger sister, niece, cousin ... and other girls.They will be overjoyed.The third bunch pack the crowd and give a center for the elderly, charitable organization.... They will come in handy, because they can not afford. Luggage must be sent to clean ,ironed..

Rešili ste pitanje viška garderbe koja vam ne treba.Tako da sada ispred sebe imate čistu situaciju,šta imate, a šta nedostaje. Ne preterujte sa zahtevima. Napravite spisak stvari koje su vam neophodne i koje nisu samo za jednu priliku.Ne dozvolite sebi da pokleknete pred pojedinim natpisima sniženja i popusta i kupite nepotrebno jer je na sniženju. I još jedna stvar koja se ne sme zaboraviti.Ne morate imati tonu garderobe.Bolje imati par komada koje nosite i možete da kombinujete,nego baciti novac.Sa 15-16 komada garderobe možete imati 35 do 40 kombinacija, (verovali ili ne).
Pomislite da ljudi negde na svetu gladuju ,a to je malo veći problem nego obući se lepo.
Ne zaboravite da smo svi mi super heroji ,Voli vas vaša Julia Strip.

You have solved the issue of excess clothes that you do not need. So now that you have infront  of you is clear situatuion, what you have, and what you need. Do not go overboard with the requirements. Make a list of things that are necessary and not just for one ocasion.Do not allow yourself to fall under certain descriptions rebates and discounts and buy unnecessary because it is on sale. And one more thing that you should not been forgotten. .Better to have a few pieces that you wear and you can combine, , then throw money..With 15-16 pieces of clothing you can have 35 to 40 combinations (believe it or not).
Imagine that somewhere in the world people are starving, and it's a bit more of a problem than to dress nicely.Do not forget that we are all super heroes, Your Love, Julia Strip.

четвртак, 17. јануар 2013.

Da se predstavim

  Kako pravila lepog ponašanja nalažu ,vrlo je važno kako se sa nekim upoznajete.  Da se predstavim :"Ja sam Julia Strip,super heroj." Kako što ste odmah i pretpostavili imam dvojni identitet,kao i svaki super heroj. U privatnom životu se ne razlikujem od žena koje imaju porodicu,rade,vežbajtu ,uče i ne prate serije. Kao super heroj ,ja imam svoje super oružje. U pitanju je tajni priručnik,koji mi rešava sve ne rešive dileme i situacije .Što se super moći tiče otkrivaću ih iz posta u post. Kostim koji ću morati da imam kao super heroj,još uvek je fazi skiciranih prikaza. Kada bude ugledao svetlost dana ,ugledaće i svetlost bloga.

  Do tada drage i dragi moji,ne zaboravite ,super heroji postoje i kriju se u svima nama.